- An excellent consideration from Yes! Magazine of how sex ed fails to account for the needs of young love and intimacy and how it impacts boys. - "American boys end up paying a price for a culture that does not support their needs for intimacy. For the issue is that while boys crave closeness, they are expected to act as if they are emotionally invulnerable. Among the American boys I interviewed, I observed a conflict between their desires and the prevailing masculinity norms—if they admit to valuing romantic love, they risk being viewed as unmasculine."
- The Story that's Destroying the World - "The new story is about giving some things up, things like insecurity, stress, violence, poverty, loneliness, disconnection, a lack of community and meaning - all those things that make life miserable for so many in the world. All of that we are ready to give up." - Includes links to several documentary films and articles about alternative human narratives.
- "Ghost Governments" - John Oliver on Special Districts. I love this quote: "Government: sports for nerds."
- Yiddish Folk Songs of the Holocaust - a fascinating find in the Ukrainian National Library.
- Trump is Loki.